Join us this Sunday
…at 10:00 am for food and fellowship
and at 10:30 am for worship.
Listen to the recent sermons
Catch up on sermons anywhere.
Giving to BLF
For your convenience, we now offer online giving for Tithes and Offerings.
Use the handy button below to safely submit your offerings.
God Bless You!
Sunday Worship
10:00 AM –
Fellowship Time
10:30 AM –
Worship and Teaching
The Roviar Building
Suite 316
1220 Washington St.
Columbus, IN 47201*
*Parking in the rear

An audio introduction to Blessed Life Fellowship
If you are between churches, this audio presentation is a must for you. This presentation is designed to help you get to know the vision and beliefs of Blessed Life Fellowship to help you streamline the process of discovering if BLF is your new church home. Taught by Pastor Andy, this 30-minute presentation also offers a short lesson on the importance of being firmly planted in a church home, the benefits that being planted has, and how to evaluate whether or not a church is a good fit for you.
An Introduction To
The Teachings

At Blessed Life Fellowship, a large emphasis is placed upon the Divine guidance of Scripture and its power to transform lives.
Therefore, the teaching time is usually very rich in Biblical content. The teaching time also incorporates the use of power point and handouts in order to enhance the learning experience and maximize retention.
The worship and music time is blended in nature, meaning that it is mostly contemporary, but with a mix of traditional songs and hymns from time to time.
It is our goal to help people experience the presence of God through intimate, passionate, and enthusiastic worship, and yes, we do encourage (not demand) observance of the Biblical model of using physical expression in worship (clapping, raising of hands, etc).
An Introduction To
Worship and Music
BLF Worship
Let there be praise!
An Introduction To
Kid’s Ministry
Kid’s Ministry Director
We at BLF place a huge emphasis on training up the next generation of believers.
Thus, we get kids started early serving in the church. You’ll notice that children serve as ushers taking up our weekly offerings. We don’t regard our children as distractions that must be kept out of the way. Rather, they are an integral part of what we do.
Our Services
We welcome visitors and would love to have you join us in one of our church services.
Blessed Life Fellowship
10:00 AM – Fellowship Time
10:30 AM – Worship and Teaching
Small Group Meetings
Resuming in September
Resuming in September
The Roviar Building
Suite 316
1220 Washington St.
Columbus, IN 47201
Get In Touch
We would love to hear from you