Our Priorities

To teach and demonstrate the love of God.

Blessed Life Fellowship happily contributes regular financial support to other churches and ministries internationally, such as:


    • Child of Hope Church, Uganda
    • White Oak Children’s Center (orphanage), Kenya
    • Lord’s Full Gospel Church, India
    • Josiah Fellowship Church, Pakistan
    • Rianyakwara Fellowship Church, Kenya

Our priorities in ministry are as follows:

1) To create an atmosphere that is sensitive to the Spirit of God and that honors His presence.  (i.e. We are not a “seeker sensitive” church.  We welcome seekers, but our services are not geared toward seekers; they are geared toward people who are hungry for the deeper things of God, who don’t mind being challenged, who want to grow, and who “go for it” in worship.)

2) To encourage fellowship and relationship among God’s people by providing ample time for interaction.

3) To communicate the GOODNESS of God; that He is looking for willing servants to BLESS!

4) To teach an understanding of a true, Biblical worldview and true Christian character and behavior.

5) To reveal worldly and destructive mindsets that keep people locked in vicious cycles of hopelessness.

6) To introduce seekers to Christ, and to teach God’s people to know God and walk with Him for themselves, to know the Bible, and to enjoy life in Christ.

7) To worship God extravagantly and passionately.

8) To raise up and equip other leaders who will carry the torch and contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom.

Church in Uganda celebrating Bibles we purchased for them.

Church members in Kenya receiving food and supplies we purchased for them.

Administrator of Kenyan orphanage we support, Linda Jenkins, and some of the kids she cares for.

Church in India showing off clothes and supplies we provided.

The Roviar Building
1220 Washington St.
Columbus, IN 47201

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