Small Groups
Join in the fellowship of the brethren
Below is a listing of current small groups for the week of March 2nd through the March 8th:
All small groups meet at the church unless otherwise noted:
- “Who Told You That You Were Naked” by Andrew Wommack. This “ladies only” group will meet Monday evening at 6:30 pm.
- Foundations of Faith will meet this Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 5.
- For women only, “Never be Sick Again” will meet this Wednesday at 10:00 am. The study will be using the book “Never Be Sick Again” by Chad Gonzalez. Contact Dawn Phelps for more information.
- The Men’s Small Group will meet Wednesday evening at 7 pm. Contact Brent Denney for details at
- “Blessing or Curse” by Derrick Prince. This co-ed study will meet this Thursday at 5:00 pm.

The Roviar Building
1220 Washington St.
Columbus, IN 47201
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